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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back again (finally!)

Okay, I admit it. It's been a very long time since we posted. Please don't actually do the math. It's that embarrassing.

Just because we stopped writing about our adventures in China, it doesn't mean we've stopped having them, by any means! After our first year teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) at the Foreign Language School, we took up employment with the school next door, an international school which participates in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, of which both Brett and I are graduates.

This is our second year at that school, and Brett and I have jumped right in with lots of classes and responsibilities.

- IB English - Grade 11 Higher Level (HL), Grade 12 Standard Level (SL)
- IB Music - Grade 11 SL
- Theory of Knowledge (TOK) - Grades 11 and 12
- Pre-IB English - Grade 10
- ESL - Grades 7,8, and 9 in the Korean Stream
- Head of the English Department for all grades, Primary to High School

- IB English - Grade 11 SL, Grade 12 HL
- IB Film - Grade 11 HL
- Pre- IB TOK - Grade 10
- Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) Advisor
- Extended Essay (EE) Coordinator
- TOK Coordinator

As you can see, we've got a lot going on, not to mention that we're preparing to bring a new member into our family in February 2015!

I found out I was pregnant while at work during our last week before
the summer break. I know, how magical!

Okay, I admit it: that's the main reason why I've decided to fire up the ol' blog again - being across the world from our dearest friends and relatives, I have the luxury of Facebook and Whatsapp to keep in touch with some of you, but there are many others with whom I'd like to share the progress of my pregnancy who aren't as wired as others.

Thus begins my pregnancy journal. I'm currently in my 17th week, and I plan to update at least once a week with pictures and information. I'm behind already (I know, sorry!), so my first pregnancy journal post thingie will include some pictures beginning with week 12, which is when we started documenting (I wasn't really showing before then).

Let's get this train on the road!*

*Yes, I realize that's a mixed metaphor - it's a pretty solid representation of how well my "baby brain" is currently functioning, however, so I'll let it be.

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